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In this episode, we feature guest DJ Danny Gee from the House Sessions Podcast and Event Host and DJ at Elite Sound Entertainment. Also Interview Owner and Mentor Greg Lambiase from GSL Entertainment and The Mobile DJ Academy.

Danny G, welcome to the electric candy podcast, sir. Hey, how are you Frank good? It's been a pleasure knowing this gentleman. He is not one of those jocks that he's the DJ of DJs, you know? I guess that's like, whoa, we're going to go these days with I guess I've been. I've been told that once or twice a week or so. So I'm actually very thankful that you're on episode 2 of electric candy podcast and wife. Each feature, someone that is an immense mixer and has exceptional programming skills with his music library. So and Danny definite dates, when it comes to his events. This guy is a lower social media pretty much blasting every day. So I wanted to feature him on the podcast because he's an amazing talent at D J. So, mr. G's

Danny G, welcome to the electric candy podcast, sir. Hey, how are you Frank good? It's been a pleasure knowing this gentleman. He is not one of those jocks that he's the DJ of DJs, you know? I guess that's like, whoa, we're going to go these days with I guess I've been. I've been told that once or twice a week or so. So I'm actually very thankful that you're on episode 2 of electric candy podcast and wife. Each feature, someone that is an immense mixer and has exceptional programming skills with his music library. So and Danny definite dates, when it comes to his events. This guy is a lower social media pretty much blasting every day. So I wanted to feature him on the podcast because he's an amazing talent at D J. So, mr. G's

I showed me the whole setup and they were two records that he was playing around with. We didn't know what we were doing. Again, we were just, we were just kids and just the whole look of the two turntables, a mixer. Like to me, that was just something that I was mesmerised. It's what's fascinating is what caught your attention? Yeah. It's actually, you know, to look that catches catches, you know, a lot of people's attention when they see the whole thing. At the actual bulb, the rotation of the turntables, it was like I was just like mesmerized like the the ability and the, you know, the ability to be able to mix two songs together. I had a transition like you would on a radio show, which is something that I was just always found up until the stack. So, yeah, so we had two records so I remember what just like it was yesterday. It was the the Mexican by Jellybean. Oh wow. Am Alisha all my passion. Wow, you're taking a back right there man. Yeah, it was the two songs. We didn't know we were doing tried messing around with something like a train wreck like a marching band that was coming in. Yep.

You know, but it was just one of those things where, you know, you don't like it becomes very Monumental, you don't forget something like that. And I guess from that point on I was hooked, you know, them from that point on and, you know, fast forward 30 plus years later years. Wow, that. So, just to kind of give you like a real, I guess the Reader's Digest version of how it started for me. All right. Wow, that's, that's interesting, that's an interesting way. Because when you started actually, that's probably around the same time. I started, I started in the around the seventh and eighth grade in Middle School, and the same thing, neighbor had two turntables and a mixer. And that pretty much that that caught me. And then from there, it's basically been, you know, Full Steam fog, you know, twenty five plus years later

Yeah, just the, you know, having that power and the ability to have everybody vibe to, you know, the the music that you're playing is something. It's it's much better than, you know, the better feeling than anything I can ever be able to explain in words awesome. So and that that's it. And then at that basic wage translates into a lot of, you know, it's migrated into a lot of different Avenues between, you know, doing Club spots. Or if you do a private events, you know, they're all kind of like different kind of Vibes but wage being, you know, you get the same results they just on different levels. Absolutely. One hundred percent, I think doing the club versus a private event that it does have its own challenges, but it's always interesting to see if someone throws a curve ball at you're saying, I have a mixed crowd that it's not going to get on the dance floor and you take that on as a challenge. Yeah, it's all wage.

Challenge every week because you know, nowadays you know, the whole open format you know, game has been so more more common nowadays. So it challenge you to think outside the box many times as opposed to kind of just keeping it one type of genre and sticking with it throughout the night. It seems like, you know, those that that way just kind of you know, little by little starting to fade out and more of the open format is becoming more of the mainstream nowadays. Yeah, I I agree with you a hundred percent on that I think off and format which was a thing in the past that some you know, some DJs would would experiment with. And then you have the house guys, yet the hip-hop and rap guys and then you had the R&B and then you handle the Latin DJ's. Now it's like an open format guy. Basically plays all those genres in basically in one in one night and Crosses over from one to the other. Yeah. You know, it's always good to, you know, when you're, you know, when you're rocking a club.

Or you know any type private event. You dance was packed and sometimes you get like we you know the you just get a feeling that comes out of nowhere. That's off the top your head like hey let me try this, let me try hitting them from right field. You know, thankfully enough most of the times it works but you can't once in a blue moon you may throw something in there and they made you know, they may not may not Vibe well, you know, but God, yeah, it's it's it's a risk. You know, like anything else, those risks. It's the it's let me see what happens is when they when they publish it and sometimes it works. Sometimes it's basically the the floor Dynamite. We're just clear to the floor and still basically. Yeah. So we just kind of we as far as it you know it's the risk that you that you take you know but at the same time the the reward is so long. So great where you know, they'll look up and be like, whoa, I can't believe, you know, you just you just feel like, energy know it's something that you just can't put in words, you know, it's it's a, such an amazing one hundred percent like wage,

Yeah, it's it's an amazing feeling. Especially when you have a crowd basically on the palm of your hands. And you, you basically take them on a musical Journey from the beginning of night, to the end of the night. And then right there shouting one more, one more, one more. And you're like, that's when, you know, you did your job exactly. Yep. I agree with you a hundred percent. So, I know you've been doing house sessions podcast for a very long time. So what's going on with it is, is it coming back? What's the deal with it? Yeah, and I had some personal things going on, where I was in the middle of moving and so, I do really not had the time nor the place to be able to continue that I have done all the mixes more. So more of the recorded live sets, I try to incorporate some live sets from some of the spots that I've done wrong. And I'm actually, you know, in the middle of just about finishing, my man cave down in my basement, so that should be ready within hopefully within the next couple of weeks. And then, hopefully, I can log

Able to kind of pick up, right? Where I left off, you know, with what the house sessions podcast that, you know, for me, it's something I enjoy doing just in time for football season as well. Yes, yes. So hopefully, you know, I'm hope I'm anticipating within the next few weeks. Awesome sir. So I usually play this little game with the DJs. You're going to be the first one to experiment with this week. All woke. This ten questions. Okay. All right. So let's start off. What's your favorite day of the week?

Well, I think Friday.

For many reasons you know cuz it's it's something that we as DJs especially have to look forward to of all the upcoming events that we have and they mainly start on Fridays. Awesome, awesome. Okay. Last song you downloaded

The last one, I don't know if it's something that I could play for the house sessions podcast, but the last one that I downloaded was actually no, I'm sorry. Wait, I'm lying Oliver heldens. I was made for loving, all right. Not bad, not bad. Okay, so, okay. Next question, fill in the blank. Taylor. Swift is

Test this just for the record. These are on free. This wasn't, this wasn't said anything. Before he took me about these questions. Taylor, Taylor Swift is I'm going to say hm. Is it like a one-word? Think I'm bored and feel free to elaborate. I'd say right now. Clean a pop-up that says, I could say if that was the one phrase. Okay, cool. All right, mr. What is your favorite junk food? That's a tough one. If I was to give you an answer right now, it's eat Doritos. Yes, absolutely.

Definitely don't resist. The regular ones. I'm fine with the regular nacho cheese.

All right. So are you a man that likes a piece of cake or a piece of pie? IMAP it guy. All right that's like like well I'm a more of a coconut custard cup kind of guy. Okay all right I think that all right, so I'm going to throw a nice curveball, you say a word in Spanish. This is great bracket. Thank you for putting me on the spot like this, where's roll, when you need them, seriously in Spanish, I'm going to say, hey I think back to Spanish 101 in high school. Yeah, well I never took Spanish 101 and I see you put me on the spot here. Oh my goodness, one word in Spanish. I'm going to say

Is mint a a good word? Yeah, there you go. That's all right. All right. All right. Well, I guess that would be my one word. All right. So how long are you a Godfather or Star Wars fan?

I said, God folder.

All right, I respect that. All right. So, how about this? Have you ever worn socks with sandals? I have not. I have not moved. No particular reason. I just haven't, you know, especially, you know. You see people guys walking, the dog with the, the blacks and the black socks and the channels off my kind of thing. I picture that all right, I just have it. All right. If Tupac appeared before you right now, what would be the first thing you would ask them if he was alive and he was here right now. Yeah.

would ask him if you want to go out for a couple of drinks. I would love to pick that man to bring right nice job, Mister G. I love the answers to the lot of these questions off. You definitely definitely made an interesting so I love throwing curveballs like that. It just makes the interview a little bit more personal. Yeah, definitely. Like I said, I had no idea until like five minutes ago. Wage. That's why it was a curveball, probably definitely was. All right, so mr. G, thank you for her jumping on the electric any podcast. He is our guest mixer for episode two thousand. And he'll be throwing some really serious speeds for the next 60 minutes, and we look forward to having you again sometime in the future. Mister G Frank, I appreciate it again. Thank you so much for having me with thank you for jumping on man.

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